
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Photo That . . .

I am participating in the 5 for 5 writing series at Momalom where bloggers write a post a day for five days about a given topic.  Today's topic is PICTURES.

I wasn't sure what I was going to do for today's 5 for 5, with the topic of Pictures, I had a few ideas bouncing around in my head, but hadn't settled on a direction when Pam at writewrds posted her Hostel Bookers 7 Super Shots post and nominated me to participate as well.  So, I gave into the peer pressure (just kidding, I thought it was a neat idea) and decided to do two challenges as one!  So, here goes, I am taking part in Hostel Bookers 7 Super Shots AND Momalom's 5 for 5 with this post! 

First, I needed to pick seven photos, that shouldn't have been difficult as I take hundreds of photos every month, but in my typically obsessive nature, it took me half and hour of searching for the "perfect" photos for each category.  But, here they are!

A photo that . . . takes my breath away.
This past summer, I was fortunate enough to happen upon these two butterflies who were too busy . . . "enjoying each other's company" to notice me and my camera.  I got a number of gorgeous photos of these two "friendly" creatures.  And it still amazes me that I was able to get pictures of such a beautiful, natural event.  And it makes me giggle that I witnessed this event at Upper Canada Village!

A photo that . . . makes me laugh or smile.
This is Liam and I in September 2009 at the New York State Fair.  It always makes me smile because there aren't a whole lot of photos of Liam and I (I'm always the one with the camera) and most of the ones we do have are posed.  This is natural.  We are happy.  We are having fun.  We are on holidays.  We are waiting for Liam's first ever concert to start, Sara Evans.  Since then, he has been to many concerts and loves country music as much as his Daddy and I do!

A photo that . . . makes me dream.
Seeing my little boy trying to do grown up things that he sees his daddy do makes me dream about his future.  I wonder who he will be.  What he will become.  Where will the future take this little person with the huge personality.

A photo that . . . makes me think.
My messy flower beds, at the beginning of spring makes me think of what is to come.  Sunny summer days, filled with beautiful flowers and a vegetable garden overflowing with home grown produce.  I hope that is what life has in store for me . . . happy times with good friends, loving family and enough of everything we need to stay healthy and happy.

A photo that . . . makes my mouth water.
Homemade hamburger patties, cooked on an open fire . . . really, does it get much better than that?  Well, maybe if they were accompanied by a bottle of red wine.  Now I am hungry . . . who wants a burger?

A photo that . . . tells a story.
We were camping, we needed fire wood, Liam found us fire wood.  My sometimes serious, always helpful little man, doing his part to get the fire started so we could cook supper!

A photo that . . . I am am most proud of (aka my National Geographic Worth Shot).
I grew up with my mother and papa being avid bird watches.  Although I am no expert and can only identify the most basic of birds (this is a chickadee!) I do love feeding the bird in the winter and when it's not too cold, trying to get some pictures of the fluttery little creatures!  And every so often I get what I think is a pretty good shot!  

And there you have it, by 7 Super Shots.  I could keep going with dozens of other photos but that might just get to be too much!  Hope you enjoyed my pictures!

Finally, to challenge five other bloggers to jump on the Hostel Bookers 7 Super Shots Challenge . . . 

Allison at Ali's Adventures
Krista at Life In The Hutch


  1. I feel the pressure is on now! I'll answer the challenge tonight. I love this idea so much and all the pictures my friends are sharing. So fun!

    That picture of you and Liam is priceless. Those moments of pure enjoyment captured are absolutely the best!

  2. Love it!!! I love the pic of you and Liam and the one of the chickadee! Fabulous! Thanks for sharing!!

  3. I love the idea of choosing photos for each of these individual things. I think it would take me hours and days to find the right photographs for each thing. How fun!

  4. Love that chickadee! I was never a bird person until we got a bird feeder and chickens. Now I could watch them for hours. Our favorites are the cardinals (or carnal, as my daughter calls it) and the tufted titmice. Once a chickadee got stuck in our feeder. Who knew they could bring such joy!

  5. SUCH great photos! Your little man is such a big helper - I love, love, love the concentration on his face, carrying the log. These are the moments - so glad you've captured so many!

  6. Oh I LOVE that shot of you and L at the fair. Those are such amazing moments to have captured like that.

    Thanks for tagging me! I'll try to get on this tomorrow. Love it!

  7. Wonderful shots. And I'm putting my hand up for a burger-and a glass of wine ;)

  8. I love the photos of Liam working and carrying the fire wood - it reminds me so much of my boys.

  9. Love the one of the little guy carrying firewood. Cute, cute, cute!

  10. I LOVE that photo of Liam carrying the firewood. He is so intent. And the one of the butterflies is absolutely brilliant. thanks for taking up the challenge you were given.

  11. These pictures are great!!!! And now I'm hungry.

  12. Thanks for all the comments and compliments! I love taking photos and sharing them with anyone who will look at them!

  13. Really like the pic of your little man carrying firewood. Definitely tells a story.

  14. The butterflies and the bird: WOW! I love the one of you with Liam. I'm always the one behind the camera, too. :)

  15. Nice shots. Here are my 7 photos
