It all began last Monday morning when Rhonda, my boss came to tell me that Liam had a fever of 101.6 F. After what felt like a million phone calls, we arranged for Auntie Margaret and Auntie Regan to come get the sick little boy for the afternoon. I quickly made arrangements to take Tuesday off work so that I could take Liam to the pediatrician. Those plans were quickly flushed down the toilet when I finally actually spoke to the Dr's office. They wouldn't see Liam unless he'd had the fever for 3 or 4 days or had other symptoms. In hindsight, I should have embellished some other symptoms, but I didn't expect them to say that they didn't want to see my 10 month old infant with the 102 F fever.
Tuesday, I stayed home with my little man. In the morning, there was no fever, I thought that we were in the clear! (The first of many times I have had that thought during the past week and a half.) However, I was wrong, after lunch, the fever was up to 102 F. I decided that I wasn't letting my baby suffer with a fever for 3 or 4 days and off we went to the walk in clinic. I expected a long wait in a crowded waiting room of sick people, so I was very pleasantly surprised when we were seen right away. And, I left the clinic again thinking that we were in the clear . . . just a virus, the nice, although very young looking Dr said.
Again, I was wrong. The high (101-102 F range) continued for Wednesday and Thursday. Not sure what I would have done without Auntie Margaret and Auntie Regan looking after the munchkin for me as there is no way I could have missed that much work. Thursday, we were at day 4 of the fever, so I was back on the phone with the pediatrician's answering machine (however, that is a gripe for another post on another day!). Finally after two messages, I was able to schedule an appointment for Friday afternoon, which meant another day off for me.
Through all of this, Liam was an amazing little guy, always happy, eating well and loving his time with his Aunties (and Grandma when she was home from work). Friday morning, he was in a great mood and didn't have a fever! He even let me sleep in a little bit! We went off to the Dr in the afternoon . . . our 1:30pm appointment turned into being seen at 2:30pm, but I was just happy that they had been able to fit us in. And finally, we had an answer - ear infection in both ears - and a prescription! Thank you Dr. McConville!
Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday were all good! Liam takes his medicine like a pro. No fever since Friday. He was in a great mood and thrilled to be back at daycare after missing a week. We were in the clear . . . WRONG again!!
Tuesday night, he was up THREE times! The last time, at 3:30am, he was screaming in pain, so out came the infant tylenol (at this rate, I think that I should be buying it by the case,) and we got a little more sleep. I knew that something was up, I just didn't know what. There was no fever this morning and he seemed OK, so off we went to daycare. I was not the slightest bit surprised when I was informed at 10:30m that he had a fever again . . . I was not at all impressed, but not surprised. So, off we went to the pediatrician again.
I was sure that we would be getting new antibiotics because the old ones were working, but the Dr said that his ears are looking better and that this fever is mostly likely a new virus on top of the infection. So, tomorrow, Liam is off to spend the day with his Grandma and Aunties again and I've got my fingers crossed that he will be better by Friday!