Sunday, October 25, 2009

Where did my "Me Time" go?

Time for work . . .
Time for bed . . .
Bath time . . .
Time to . . .
Not enough time . . .
Need to find time . . .
Someday when I have time . . .
I don't have time . . .

My life suddenly seems to revolve around time. It is always time to do something. There is always a list of things to do when there is time. What happened to spare time? free time? me time? It has vanished, probably forever. Although I am not quite sure that it has been missing for long enough to be declared legally dead, I am grieving the loss of my precious "me time". I am hoping that someday it will be found, possibly hidden in the back of closet that is waiting for me to find the time to clean it out or under a pile of dust bunnies that is quickly growing into a mountain while waiting for me to find the time to vacuum, but until them, I will survive on memories. Memories of uninterrupted reading or hours of scrap booking while sipping wine. I hope that my "me time" comes back before my precious memories fade away.

1 comment:

  1. Hey i think your "me time" and my "me time" ran away together I'm gonna file a police report ya in? LOL oh the life of a wife and mom :)
